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有了强有力的理论支撑,第二节的“行动过程”就很有操作性。行动之一:如何设计读后活动1、重视吸收环节:用学过的语言做事;2、丰富活动类型:创设多样的输出活动;3、强化主题意识:实施基于主题的文本阅读教学;4、搭建语言支架:为高效的输出提供足够的支持。鼓励教师在活动设计中围绕两个问题: Have I given my students enough language input that might be used for doing the task? What linguistic difficulties might they encounter in performing this task? 行动之二:如何实施读后活动。该阶段的行动主要聚焦在“如何在设计的基础上实施读后输入活动”这一层面上。行动之三:如何评价读后活动。该阶段的行动主要聚焦在“如何在设计和实施的基础上作出自我评价”这一层面上。因此,在这一阶段我们主要关注了如何帮助教师学会评价自己,用评判的眼光看活动的有效性。

笔者感悟之余,简单设计了译林版八年级上册Unit2 Reading 的教案,希望可以领会书中的要义。

Part 1 Teaching Material Analysis

This lesson is from unit2 of 8A Fun with English. This is the second topic “school life” in module one ‘teenage life’.  The passage is focused on “school life” in British and American schools.  And it aims to get students to learn the differences between foreign culture and native culture.  And such a topic is related to students’ daily life. So students will have great interest in it.  This period can input lots of useful words and phrases about school life into students’ mind, which will lay a good basis for the output in main task.  Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.

Part 2.Teaching Aims

1.      Knowledge Aims:

After the lesson, students should be able to

(1)   Master the four-skilled words and phrases.

(2)   Learn life in a British school and an American school.

2.      Ability Aims:

(1)   Improve the abilities of getting information by scanning,

(2)   Talk about school life in British school and American school.

3.      Emotional Aims:

To promote their love for their school and school lives.

Part3. Teaching Emphasis

1.      To develop the ability of general reading and acquiring information.

2.      To master vital phrases sentences and structures about subjects and activities.

Part4. Teaching Difficulties

  How to use the words and phrases to talk about their own school life..

Part5. Teaching Methods

   In this lesson , I will adopt Three-stage model and Task-based Language Teaching Method. The English Curriculum Standard advocates teachers to adopt the task-based language Teaching.  Because it can stimulate students’ initiative in learning and let students experience success in the process of completing tasks.  By experiencing and practicing, form students’ sufficient competence in using the language.

  Part 6. Teaching tools.

   Multi-media player, tape recorder, the blackboard

Part7. Teaching Procedures

Step1.  Pre-teaching

1. Lead in by asking and answering Qs about school life.

(1)   What subjects do you learn at school?

(2)   What after-school activities do you have?

(3)   Have you joined a club?

Ask two students to talk about his / her school life.

(Purpose: To stimulate recall of relevant knowledge and arouse students’ interest in today’s topic.)

2.      Presentation

Show two flags with the words “life in a British school” and “life in an American school” and discuss the question.

What do you think British or American school would be like?

(purpose: To invite students to think and imagine and collect as many ideas as possible by brainstorming.)

Step2. While-reading

1.      Fast Reading

Read the passage quickly to get the general idea and answer the two questions:

(1)   Who wrote the first passage? (John)

(2)   What activities does the school have every week? (Reading Week)

(Purpose: To develop the skills of skimming and how to gain the main idea of the article.)

2.      Detailed Reading

Read the passage again and tell if the sentences are true of false.

(1)   In a mixed school, boys and girls have lessons together.  ( T)

(2)   John’s favorite subject is English. ( F)

(3)   Students at John’s school can read magazines during Reading Week. ( T)

(4)   Students must not talk in class during Reading Week. ( F)

(Purpose: To develop the skills of scanning and how to gain the details of the article.)

Read the second passage quickly and answer the two questions.

(1)   Who wrote the second passage? (Nancy)

(2)   Who else are mentioned in the passage? (Julie)Read the second passage carefully and answer the two questions

(1)   How does Nancy go to school every day?

(In his brother’s car.)

(2)   What do the students do in the Buddy Club?

(Older students talk to new students about school life.)

(3)   What do American students do during the lunchtime?

(They meet their friends and have a great time chatting with each other.)

(4)   What do the students sometimes do after school?

(They go to the shopping malls after school.)

Step3. Post-reading

1.      Task1:

Read the passage with the tape.  Then fill in the blanks in the table.








Woodland School

(a mixed school)

Near London


Home Economics

Reading Week


Rocky Mountain High School




buddy club

chat with each other

go to shopping malls

(Purpose: To compare the school life between the two schools, let students have a clear idea about their differences.)


Look at the table and try to retell John’s and Nancy’s school life.  The teacher does it first as an example.  Then ask students to practice it in pairs.  Then ask some pairs to act it out.

(Purpose: To develop the skills of retelling according to key words.  And pair- work can let students share their knowledge and check mistakes by themselves. )


Ask students to say something about their own school life using the words and phrases they have learnt today.

( Purpose: Make students produce information using the input information.  Help them to enhance retention and acquire the competence of using the language.)


1.      Finish the passage by completing the blanks.

2.      Retell John’s or Nancy’s school life for better students..

3.      Write a short passage about their own school life.

(Purpose: Assign different tasks for students with different levels.  I hope to inspire students’ confidence in learning English by experiencing the success.  And make every student make progress.  This is the ideas of the English curriculum standard.)

Teaching Reflection:

During my teaching, I’ll try my best to get my class lively and encourage students to take part in the activities.  I design different tasks to create chances for students to practice the language.  That is “ learning by doing, learning by using.”  Therefore, the students can be the masters of the class-teaching.  And student- centered method id well-shown.
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