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更新时间:2014-07-20 11:53:20


教学目标:1、学会说 reading、 singing、 drawing、 dancing,并知道其意思;复习单词ru ing、 walking 、hop;
教学准备:reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing的图片各一幅
活动过程:一、Warm up :
1Greeting——《Hello》song ;
2 Review——sing the《Ru ing》song;
二、Gue,what am I dong ? ——reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing;
3、Game : 《I say , you do》
If I say “reading”, you are reading; If I say “singing”, you are singing……
三、Look at the pictures ,and follow me say the words;and tell me what`s the words ` meaning .
1、Practice :Game《I do ,you say》
If I am reading, you say the word “reading”; If I am singing, you say the word “singing”……
2、Game《Traffic lights》
Teacher: If I point to green light , you should follow me say the word (reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing), If I point to red light , you should be no voice .
四、Game : 《Wood man》
All the children make a big circle , sing a song ,when I say stop , you should be a wood man , do nothing .
五、Clais over: sing《 Say Good bye》
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