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Green grais on the ground (大班)

Green grais on the ground (大班)

更新时间:2014-07-20 11:53:20

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Green grais on the ground.






November 11th

Teaching aims

Le on 9
认读Q and R
听懂: Your green grais on the ground. I know you like it.
Good afternoon.
会唱:< Baaing, baaing, peeper shee gt;

Teaching tool

Some cards、tape




1st.Warm up
First: cheek name.

Second: Sing the song with children about what we have learned last le on <hello, hello. Dozer Doggie>.

Children should act and sing the song.
Your can act what you want to act.


Review the contents about le on 8.
First:Show some cards and put the children to say: I can see ……and I can’t see…

Second: make the children say three dogs name.

Method: play the flash card game with the children and help them to remember the sentence :I can see ……or I can’t see…
Some words they don’t know how to read.
But the are very interested in the game ,most of the children can say I can see table 、book TV act.

The can remember the dogs name.


First: show the cards and introduce Peeper sheep to the children.分页标题Second: look at C D and listen to the contents about the le on:
Peeper sheep:Good afternoon, peeper sheep.
Mighty m&;#111nkey: Good afternoon Mighty m&;#111nkey.
Mighty m&;#111nkey: I see. You’re hungry. Here you are. Your gra . Your green grain on the ground…

Third: teaching the children how toeak world and sentence of the dialogue.

Fourth: Tell them the meaabout the dialogue. And encourage the children to act the dialogue in front of the cla room.

Learn the song: &;lt aaing, baaing. Peeper shee gt;

They can remember the sheep’s name quickly.

When we listen to the dialogue together, some children can say some worlds about what we have learned in the picture. ex: they can say the world gra,tree, Dance Doggie, and so on.

Repeat the sentence “your green grais on the ground” more and more.


&;lt aaing, baaing. Peeper shee gt;

Fallow the tape, singing the song &;lt aaing, baaing. Peeper shee gt; tighter.

5th.Feed back

Most of the children caneak the sentence, but some of them can’t.
The children are more interested in the game and song.

6th.Judge of myself
I should keep more patience with the children.
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