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更新时间:2014-07-22 09:15:08



一、 It’s a fine Sunday morning. There are many people in the park. They are all having a good time. Look, Daming is playing football with some friends. Some girls are watching and talking. Betty is sitting on the chair and reading a newspaper. Two old people are playing chess. A woman is drinking something. There are some birds singing in the tree. They are all very happy. (现在进行时)

二、 A plan for my weekend

I have a plan for my coming weekend. On Saturday morning, I’m going to stay in bed late, and then I’m going to do my homework. In the afternoon, I’m going to play basketball with my friends. In the evening, I’m going to do some reading. On Sunday morning, I’m going to visit my grandparents. In the afternoon, I’m going to have a picnic. In the evening, I’m going to relax, I’m going to listen to some music. I hope I’ll have a good weekend. (一般将来时)

三、 I had a busy weekend last week. On Saturday morning, I stayed in bed late, and then I did my homework. It was a little difficult. In the afternoon, I played basketball with my friends. In the evening, I did some reading. On Sunday morning, I visited my grandparents. In the afternoon, I had a picnic in the park with some friends. In the evening, I relaxed, I listened to some music. I was busy but very happy. (一般过去时)

三、 My life in the past

I was born in a small village in Zhejiang. When I was young, I studied in Qiuzhen Primary School. My first teacher is Ms Zhang. She was very strict but nice. Tony and Kate were my friends. Tony was naughty at school but Kate was well-behaved. We all rode bikes to school. We like our bikes very much. (一般过去时)

四、 A trip to the seaside

I went to the seaside with my parents last Sunday. It was a fine day. (The sun shone brightly,) We left home at half past seven(7:30) in the morning, and we went there by car. It took about half an hour to get there. We had a great time there. We lay on the beach and enjoyed the sun. We played with sand(沙). We swam in the sea. It was cool. Then we went home at four o’clock in the afternoon. (We enjoyed ourselves very much.) (一般过去时)

五、 A holiday journey

I went to Beijing on holiday last summer. I went there with my parents. We had a great time there. We went there by plane. It took about two hours to get there. My aunt and uncle met us at the airport. I spent there for a week. First, we visited the Tian’anmen Square. Next, we went to the Summer Palace. Then we saw the Forbidden City. And then we walked up the Great Wall. It was cool on the Great Wall. Finally, we went to Wangfujing Street. I bought some presents for my grandparents. Also, I ate the Beijing duck. (Although尽管)It was a short holiday, it was great. (一般过去时)

六、 My grandparents’ life in the past

My grandfather was born in a small village and My grandmother was born in a small town. When they were young, they didn’t use computers at school. They played games like chess. They didn’t have a TV. They listened to the radio. They rode their bikes to school. They liked their bikes a lot.

七、 My dream school (一般将来时)

My dream school will have big classrooms and a large playground. Everyone will have computers. The computers will do many jobs. Students will send their homework to their teachers by email. Students will still uses pens and books, but teachers won’t write on the blackboard. They will talk to their students on the Internet.
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    随着全球化的快速发展,英语已经成为世界各地的一种语言交际工具。小学阶段的儿童学习语言具有模仿能力强、记性好、表现欲强、不怕丢脸等等优势。小学英语教学要紧抓住学生学习的黄金时间,培养学生良好的发音习惯、正确的语言朗读、积极开发学生的语音素质,纠正不良发音,培养学生的拼读能力。 结合自己的教学尝试以及所看到的、学习到的一些方法,我做了如下思考: 1. 习惯培养最关键:低年级学生模仿能力和表现欲望最强烈,过于积极地发言需求往往会让孩子们听不好、听不清,听力输入地不好,在模仿中容易出错。学生(特别是低年级的孩子)

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