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4B Unit 9 Breakfast汇报课

4B Unit 9 Breakfast汇报课

更新时间:2014-07-22 09:15:15

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Teaching content: Part A   1. words: breakfast, fridge, then, a carton of …  2. sentences: What’s for breakfast? Where is my glass? Where are the eggs? There is no…in/on/near the ….

Teaching aims:

1. Ss can learn the new words well

2. Ss learn to say the sentences freely and can understand the reason we choose is or are

3. Ss can understand the story well and use the new drills freely when they meet the similar situations

Teaching difficulties:

1. Ss can choose between “is” or “are”

2. Ss can understand the story and use the new drills freely

Aids: PPT


Step 1: warm up

1. Sing a song: what’s in the classroom?

2. Listen to a song: what do you like to eat? /ham and eggs

3. introduce a new friend: he is a boy in orange, he is very lovely, he can speak English and Chinese very well. You can see him in GoGo learn English. Who is he?

Ss: GoGo

T: GoGo has some questions for you.

free talk:

a) What do you like to eat?

Ss: I like to eat …

b) Magic eye: What can you see? (复习食品、餐具的单词)

c) What’s this?

Learn: fridge

d) What’s in the fridge? Guess

Ss:There is/are…

Step 2: presentation

1. learn “There is no…in/on/near…”

a) T: Look! There are so many things in the fridge. But is there a watermelon in the fridge?

Help to say: no, there isn’t.

T: so we can say….

PPT 出示:There is no…in the fridge.

Practice: no watermelon/apple/glass(冰箱边上贴好不同图片)

Practice: There is no …in the fridge. (朗读、根据图片提示造句,全班一起造句,学生自由发挥)

b) T: Where is the …?(边上图片移动)

Ss: it’s on the table.

T: What’s on the table?

Ss: There is no …on the table.

Pair work to prepare

Pair work to show

c) Game: Sharp eye(in 30s)

Key sentence: There is a…, but there is no…in/on the …

2. a) T: look! There is an egg on the table. Listen and look (小偷来了,加上滑稽的背景音乐)what’s missing?

T: Where is it?

Ss: It’s in GoGo’s hands.

T: He is very hungry. Look what time is it?

Ss: it’s seven o’clock in the morning.

T: it’s time for breakfast.


T: What’s for breakfast?

Ss: milk, bread and an egg

b) practice: What’s for breakfast?

T: What’s for your breakfast?


T: How about S4, GoGo wants to know more about your breakfast, how to ask? Can you help GoGo?

Ss: What’s for your breakfast?



根据学生的回答,提问what’s for his/her/my breakfast?

c) What’s for my lunch? Do you want to know? How to ask?

Ss: What’s for your lunch?

T: I have some rice, some meat, some soup and an egg for my lunch. Look, they are in the picture. But…(观察学生是否能找出漏掉的egg)

3. learn “Where is the egg?”

a) read: where

b) read the sentence

c) show more things to pratice(Match) (制作好笑脸哭脸、及时作评价)

e.g.: apple, bowl, glass, plate, fork, knife

d) learn to sing a song “Where’s the fork?”

e) T 出示一个叉子,my fork, where is my fork? (置于不同位置)

4. learn “Where are my forks?”

T: Look, these are my forks, where are my forks?

Help to say: They are …

5. say a chant:

Milk, milk, where is the milk?

Glass, glass, in the glass.

egg, egg, where is the egg?

Bowl, bowl, near the bowl.

Forks, forks, where are the forks?

plate, plate, on the plate.

6. GoGo:你知道吗?(引导学生总结:where is +不可数名词/可数名词单数

Where are +可数名词复数形式)

Exercise: pop quiz

Where is the cupboard?

Where are the glasses?

Where is my bread?

Where is his milk?

Where are the bottles?

7. GoGo: 我是小编辑

A: What time is it?

B: It’s….o’clock.

A: it’s time to have breakfast/lunch/dinner.

B: What’s for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

A: I have…,… and ….

B: Where is the …?

A: ….

B: Where are the …?

A: they are ….

Step 3 presentation

T: We have … for breakfast. How about Helen?let’s watch

1. watch and answer Qs

2. listen and read

3. read together

4. read in roles

5. according to keys words try to recite the dialogue

Step 4: consolidation

Today is GoGo’s birthday; he has a big birthday party. But he is not happy. He can’t find his new shirt. He can’t find the food(食品) and drinks(饮料)or the tableware(餐具), can you help him?

GoGo: Mom, where is/are …?

Mom: it’s/they are in/on/under the ….

GoGo: There is no …in/on/under…

Mom: is there …in/on/under/near …?

GoGo: No, there isn’t.

Mom: Shall we go to the supermarket?

GoGo: Good idea! Let’s go!

Step 5: home work

1. listen to the tape, read and recite it

2. copy the new words and phrases

3. make up a new dialogue


Unit 9 Breakfast

What’s for breakfast?

There is no …in/on/near…

Where is the/my/his/her…?

It’s ….

Where are the/my/his/her…?

They are ….
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